Friday, February 6, 2009

Song of Andy Millman

Whenever I visit a Starbucks, I go for the plush chairs. They are better, in terms of comfort. But you can also run your hand along the edges and find lost items. I've never found anything great, but it's not uncommon to find a Starbucks card or a dollar or two. Today I found both. I checked the card to see how much it had left on it and it wasn't even registered. Someone had grabbed it at the register.

I also found a brown Sharpie today. Forgot about that one. I'll give it a pass.

I didn't get a word written yesterday and didn't even shave, although I cooked shrimp and pasta for dinner, filed my taxes, watched Robert Bresson's Pickpocket (two times -- once with the commentary track), and trained for 90 minutes for the first time in months. My knee felt slightly sore after class, but it isn't troubling me today. A good sign.

I stopped by the W and picked up my final check. A measly 150. Billy told me he finally signed up to facebook and was stunned with an ex-girlfriend tried to "friend" him. I got on the Boss's computer and posted a profile pic on his page.


There is a dollar-store type discount store in Billerica that has a surprisingly good cooking section. I stopped by today and had to scan the aisle five times before I found what I was looking for: a rolling pin. The pin was had at a bargain. Marble. Now that we have the mixer back, breadbaking will likely take over beer as my food hobby.


I got teary-eyed watching the finale of Extras with Jess. And, to further put myself out there, I got teary eyed waking up this morning and thinking about the finale, today. So there.

1 comment:

  1. Are you referring to the Christmas special? If so, it was indeed emotional, more than I was ready to handle when I watched it. I really needed some laughs at the time and didn't get many. Once I adjusted to the predominance of drama (at least that's how I remember it; truth is, there was probably an equal mix), I enjoyed the show very much. What about the second series of Alan Partridge? Been waiting forever for it to be released.
