Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Smashing Mittens

I ended up running around all day, and couldn't find a drop of inspiration. I'm just sitting down after dinner and homework with the Dufflebag. (Dinner: boiled then lightly grilled sweet Italian sausages on wheat bread; homework: an incorrectly started math sheet that ended up taking two hours to finish, although we managed to end less frustrated and more optimistic than we began. Thanks, Internet tutoring support forums!)

I suppose I could have foregone the pickling and saved some time, but it is easy to pickle and mind the house, and practically impossible to write and do so.

This time around, pickling has a new problem. The place where I previously sun fermented them is now the resting spot of an otherwise wonderful cat who, without pausing, bats anything in his way to the ground. And there's no place in the house, other than the attic, safe from his mittens. So I'm hiding them now and will indeed bring the jars up into the attic and hope I can rig something up to get them to the window. Not that there's enough sunlight to matter.

Either that or I can put them back on the front window and stand sentry all day. I know this sounds far fetched. But it may be the easiest way to get decent results.

Otherwise, I didn't see Two-Lane Blacktop and I didn't even find a place to buy lime leaves. My only real errand tomorrow involves going to the fish market. I will then try to make up for lost time.

The lesson of the day: write first, get inspired later.


  1. Now this of course begs the question, why sun ferment? I understand why it is done, to avoid mold and yeasty devils from growing. But if its a choice between a frisky kitty sending your stinky peppers straight to hell on the floor or simply home-canning them as my people did, or pickling them without the fermentation in the fridge, which has always been my MO (they never last more than a couple of weeks anyway), I think the choice is clear, herr kommisar. Or is this an intense love of new traditionalism? I'm down with either, but you'll have to combat the kitty insurrection. Pick your poison...

  2. I'm only vaguely remembering your window sill but maybe you can get one of those car/truck cargo nets and sling it from wall to wall to block the kitty out. Or get a shallow baking pan(s) wide as the sill, fill it with water, and float the items on the water... I'm assuming cats don't like water and wouldn't knock down the pan.

    Or train the buggers with a spray bottle!

    Yea write first! Even if it's rushed crap to start I've always found editing to be easier than laying down the original words. Your mind only has to be partially engaged in editing, even if you end up re-writing entire pages you're only engaged for that time and then you back out to a more idle mode. And while your engaged, for me at least, your more intensely engaged than during the laborious act of creation.

  3. I will build a special mini-zeppelin.
