Thursday, February 19, 2009

Minor Notes

Got a lot of work done on the novel. Added two-thousand words and deleted 500.


I'm nearing the end of the ripping. I was surprised that the iTunes Gracenote both knew and was able to tag the Dylan five volume basment tapes. It is perhaps the most famous bootleg in rock history, but was never released in its raw form. There must be Dylan fans over at Apple.


The dog now appears to enjoy eating wood pellets. Gotta hide those pellets.


Jess is giving me a hard time because I've been so intent on working on the novel that I stopped showering. I love showering, but I've really been so focused on working that I let it slide.

So I made a solemn promise that I will shower by month's end.

I know. That poor woman.


I'm taking a break and cooking lunch: chicken livers and mushrooms. You can buy a huge container of chicken livers for under two dollars. They taste wonderful, if you enjoy strong tastes. I know that they are often served with onions: an ugly, bland dish, even tainted as a kind of pre-1980's version of health food. Seasoned correctly, they are less fatty but almost as luxurious as bacon. Grind some up, cook it crisp, and put it on some good toast and you're looking at one of humankind's simplest, tastiest lunches.

1 comment:

  1. Shower when you're dirty. Does writing make you dirty? Not physically... so you're good!

    Today's word: lownfeta
    Sounds like artificial cheese...
