Wednesday, March 4, 2009

You Can't Argue Virtue with Vultures

My statcounter indicates that I'm suddenly getting traffic from the server in Connecticut.

So, since I know they are reading this, I just wanted to say hi. Hope you sleep well at night! Remember that what you do is hardly different from what a mugger, pickpocket, or swindler does! Even if you manipulate the letter of the law, you remain, in spirit and in essence, criminals.

If you have any notion of divine justice, then consider what you're doing and look elsewhere for honest work. Since I suspect that anyone hollow enough to get involved with negative option schemes in the first place doesn't have enough of a conscience to be appealed to, these are likely wasted words. If there are any employees working for Webloyalty who aren't sociopaths and wanna-be pirates, then maybe you can appeal to your better self and realize what you're doing.

If I can't appeal to you on moral grounds, then remember that the public outcry is growing and people are tired of seeing well-connected con artists get away with their crimes. Your riches might protect you from the clink, but they might not, either. They shouldn't.

That's it! Back to work.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Webloyalty! If you're reading this, eat a dick! Eat a whole bag of dicks! Or would you yes not like to not eat a bag of dicks at this time?
